We empower your school with impactful, tailored abuse and harassment prevention trainings, workshops and policies for your staff, students and parent community.

Our Approach
We partner with each school so that every training and policy measures up to current best practices and adheres to your schools individual needs.
Every training and workshop will seamlessly weave together an action plan for abuse prevention, by integrating storytelling, humor and empathy. TBG will inspire you to continue to keep your school safe.

Boundaries as abuse prevention
Mandatory reporting & abuse
Sexual abuse and grooming
Sexual harassment
Boundaries in sports
Internet safety & digital citizenship
Abuse prevention & safe spaces
Consent for kids and teens
Tough targets: abuse prevention
Online safety: talking to our kids
Consulting, Policy Development and Risk Assessments
The Bayar Group conducts risk assessments to help schools evaluate the areas of risk in relation to sexual misconduct and child abuse prevention. We work collaboratively to design and deliver policy solutions to empower your staff and leadership to make impactful change and create safe spaces.
Our Offerings
Trainings and Workshops